Red Security System Package
This DYI (do it yourself) system features Americas most popular alarm control panel , the Linear 2 Gig control panel. It features an easy to use keypad with a built in siren. It comes with a built in Z Wave interface. With this interface you can begin making your home a Smart Home by adding devices such as thermostats, lamp modules and electronic locks.
See our Accessories Page for additional options.
Also included in our Red Security System package is a desk mount and GSM module. The GSM module allows your system to be monitored without the need of a phone line. The control panel does require a plug in transformer (included). Motion sensor and door contacts can be mounted with double stick tape. No tools are necessary!!!!
Package Includes:
1- Control Panel
1- Hand held Key fob
1-Wireless motion detector
3-Wwireless door/window sensors
1-GSM module
1-Desk mount
North American Security Brokers will program your Red Security System. If necessary, technical support is free. We make security easy and affordable. Do it yourself and save $$$ today!
RED PACKAGE- $345.00